Solidcam CAD/CAM Software
A patented technology reducing cycle time upto 70% from Israel.
SolidCAM is the leading Integrated CAM software which runs directly inside SOLIDWORKS and Autodesk Inventor, with seamless integration and full tool path associativity.
2.5D Milling
SolidCAM provides both interactive and automated 2.5D milling operations on the solid model. It supports profile and pocket rest material machining, thread milling, undercut slots with T-Slot tools and all other 2.5D milling needs. SolidCAM's automatic hole and pocket feature-recognition and machining module automates the manufacturing of parts with multiple pockets, multiple drills and complex holes.
High Speed Surface Machining (HSS)
The HSS Module is a High Speed Surface Machining Module, for smooth machining of localized surface areas in the part including undercuts. It provides easy selection of the surfaces to be machined, with no need to define the boundaries. It supports both standard and shaped tools. The linking moves between the Toolpaths can be controlled by the user to avoid holes and slots, without the need to modify the Model Surface. Complete Gouge Control is available for holder, arbor and tool. Adjoining check surfaces that are to be avoided can be selected. Several Retract Strategies are available, under user control. The HSS Module is essential for each manufacturing facility as a complementary module for the machining of all types of parts.
3D Milling
SolidCAM's 3D Milling can be used both for prismatic parts and for 3D models. For prismatic parts SolidCAM analyzes the model and automatically recognizes pockets and profiles to be machined using Z-constant machining strategies. For 3D models, SolidCAM provides multiple strategies for 3D machining, including integrated rest material options.
High-Speed Machining (HSM)
SolidCAM HSM module is an advanced 3D Mill and highspeed-machining module for 3D parts, aerospace parts and molds, tools and dies. The HSM module offers unique machining and linking strategies for generaling advanced 3D Mill and highspeed toolpaths. SolidCAM's HSM module smooths the paths of both cuning moves and retracts wherever possible to maintain a continuous machine tool motion - an essential requirement for maintaining higher feedrates and eliminating dwelling. With SolidCAM HSM module retracts to high Z levels are kept to a minimum. Angled where possible, smoothed by arcs, retracts do not go any higher than necessary - thus minimizing aircutting and reducing machining time. The result of the HSM module is an efficient smooth, and optimal toolpath. This translates to increased surface quality, less wear on cutters, and a longer life for your machine tools.
Multi-sided Indexial 4/5 axes Milling
With SolidCAM, programming and machining of multi-sided parts on 4- and 5-Axis machining centers is easy and efficient. SolidCAM rotates the design model to the user-defined machining planes and automatically calculates all necessary shifts and tilts for the 3D machining coordinate systems. SolidCAM enables flexible set-ups and reduces the need for special clamping jigs. All 2.5D and 3D machining operations on any face can be defined and checked using SolidCAM's tool path verification. The output is ready-to-run programs for the 4/5-axis CNC-machine.
Simultaneous 5 axes Milling
SolidCAM provides various 5-axis machining strategies, including swarfing and trimming, for machining of complex geometry parts including mold cores and cavities, aerospace parts, cutting tools, cylinder heads, turbine blades and impellers. SolidCAM provides a realistic simulation of the complete machine tool, enabling collision checking between the tool and the machine components .
Turning and Mill-Turn up to 7-axes
SolidCAM has a complete solution for turning, grooving and Mill-Turn. As in milling, a rest-machining capability is built in all turning operations. SolidCAM supports all machine turning cycles. SolidCAM provides special support for the machining technologies of ISCAR's Turn-Groove tools.
An integrated Mill-Turn capability enables the turning and milling operations to be programmed in the same environment. Access to the complete 2.5D to 5 axis milling is available. SolidCAM provides support for up to 7-Axes Turn-Mill CNC machines including back-spindle operations and multi-turrets .
SolidCAM Wire EDM handles profiles and tapers with constant and variable angles, as well as 4-axis contours. SolidCAM prevents the falling of material pieces by automatic pocket processing. SolidCAM provides full user control of stop-points and of wire cutting conditions at any point of the profile or taper.